For Investors

Work With A Real Estate Broker Who Will Boost Your Business Bottom Line

There are a few skills and qualities that make real estate brokers and agents easier for investors to work with, and they can range from experience to skill level. Review the following “must-haves” so you can be confident you are getting a broker that will help you improve your business’ bottom line.

  • A strong understanding of the market
  • An ability to analyze deals
  • Experience with investors
  • Similar core values

We Know The Market

If you’ve used a real estate agent before to either help you find an investment property you plan to rehab or market an investment property you plan to sell, you know how important it is for that agent to have an expert understanding of the local market. There are several reasons why this is such a necessity:

  • We will be able to pull more accurate “comps”
  • We have a pulse on what is trending in the marketplace
  • We will have a better grasp on which properties will meet your needs

If you are investing in a city outside of where you live, it is even more imperative to find an agent who has had experience in the area. There will be certain areas where flipping a property will be either more beneficial or disadvantageous for whatever the reason. Let’s say you’re an investor who wants to invest in Las Vegas, that’s  great. However, we will be able to point you to the neighborhood, perhaps the specific street name, that is an ideal candidate for investing. Remember, if you are new to a certain market, finding those key neighborhoods will be harder than you think without our help.

We Know The Numbers

It’s important to remember that while both investors and agents fall under the industry of real estate, the “lingo” between the two will be varied. When trying to find an agent to meet your needs, it will help to find a person who is already familiar with the verbiage involved in closing a rehab, wholesale, or rental deal. The last thing you want to do is have to waste your time explaining to some agent what a “cap rate”  Is.

After all, Receiving a high return on your investment is the reason you invest in the first place. If you’re investing in a rental property, can your agent calculate your cash flow? If you’re rehabbing a property, can your agent help estimate your cost of repairs. These items may seem obvious to an investor but they can be less so for a regular realtor.

We Have Experience Working With Investors

We have extensive experience working with investors  and this is extremely helpful. We have gone through the process over and over and are more capable of handling the common issues that arise. We have a great reputation amongst investors (and contractors, and legal representatives, and private lenders, etc) in the market to begin with – which can be helpful for you, if you’re new to the market. We have an extensive list. We are always willing to negotiate and get you the best deals.

Finally with our experience we are more comfortable making offers. We are an Investors dream. As an investor, you are always trying to find the best possible deal, which means making low-ball offers all day, every day., you can feel comfortable knowing we are capable and willing to negotiate and make the deal work when needed. We are very comfortable making lowball offers or rising to the occasion with the reduction in commission. After all we are a team!

We Have Core ValuesThis can be extremely helpful when doing 1031 exchange is etc.

Last, but very far from least, we have core values. We are ethical and have integrity. This is high on our list of priorities. It is important to have an honest and upfront conversation with us before working together. We hold a license in every field of Real Estate. Our house broker is a licensed financial advisor. This can be extremely helpful when doing 1031 exchange is etc.